What to Expect on Your First Visit.

Your first visit is a 45 minute assessment where I will go through your history and ask you lots of questions related to your pain. Next I will do a weight-bearing and non-weight bearing biomechanical assessment followed by a gait analysis where I will watch you walk.

Once I've figured out what's going on, we will talk about next steps - including stretching and strengthening exercises, proper footwear and if orthotics are needed. If we decide that orthotics are not needed you will leave the clinic with lots of other homework to get you back on your path to health. If moving forward with orthotics is right for you, I will take a 3D cast of your feet and will schedule a time for you to pick up your orthotics.

What to Expect When you Pick up Your Orthotics.

When you come to pick up your orthotics you will need to bring the shoes we discussed putting them into. I will take a look at you standing on your orthotics to see what changes I need to make in order to support you properly. I will then use a grinder and materials in my on-site lab to size the orthotics to your shoes and then you will try them on. At first they may feel a little weird but that's okay as long as they don't hurt. There should be no extra pain when you put them on. That being said, however, there is a 2-week break-in period where you will need to slowly get used to wearing your orthotics a few hours a day, working up to wearing them full time. Don't feel discouraged if you don't feel 100% on day one. Your body needs time to adjust and adapt to the new positioning in your feet and legs. Once you are used to them and wearing them full time, you should start noticing a decrease in your discomfort.

I accept the following methods of payment: Debit, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Cheque/Cash.

What if I am Not Getting Used to my Orthotics?

If you are having trouble getting used to your orthotics, you will need to book an appointment to see me for an adjustment. Orthotics are completely adjustable - I can add or remove material as needed to give you more or less support and to increase your comfort and address the issues that are causing you pain.